Plants are incredibly resilient organisms adept at living and surviving in diverse environments. Through a fascinating process called photosynthesis, plants harness sunlight to produce their own food, converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This ability to create their own sustenance enables plants to thrive in various habitats, from lush forests to arid deserts. Furthermore, plants have evolved a plethora of adaptive mechanisms to survive harsh conditions such as drought, extreme temperatures, and nutrient-poor soils.

Some plants have developed deep root systems to access water underground, while others have adapted thick waxy coatings on their leaves to prevent water loss. Additionally, certain plants have symbiotic relationships with fungi or bacteria that aid in nutrient absorption. By constantly evolving and adapting to their surroundings, plants not only survive but also play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems and supporting life on Earth.

The worksheet covers the following topics-

Terrestrial plants
Aquatic Plants
Floating Plants
Fixed Plants
Underwater Plants
Plants of the grass family
Some unusual plants

These questions encourage Grade 4 students to think critically about the mechanisms plants use to prepare and store food, reinforcing their understanding of photosynthesis, nutrient storage, and adaptation to environmental conditions. They promote deeper exploration of plant biology and the importance of plants in ecosystems and human life.