Air, water, and weather are interconnected elements that play vital roles in shaping our planet’s environment. Air, composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, surrounds Earth and is essential for life. It circulates around the globe, carrying moisture, heat, and gases that regulate temperature and support living organisms. Water, covering approximately 71% of Earth’s surface, is crucial for all forms of life. It exists in various forms, including oceans, rivers, lakes, and ice caps, and cycles continuously through the atmosphere, land, and oceans in the water cycle.

Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions at a specific place and time, including temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation. Weather patterns are influenced by factors such as air pressure, temperature gradients, and the Earth’s rotation, resulting in phenomena like storms, hurricanes, and droughts. Understanding the dynamics of air, water, and weather is essential for predicting natural disasters, managing water resources, and mitigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human societies.

The worksheet covers the following topics-

The sun causes changes in weather
The sun causes wind to blow
The sun causes changes in the status of water
Air- hot and cold air
Land breeze and sea breeze
Water- Evaporation and condensation
Impurities in water
Sedimentation, filtration, decantation
Underground water