(Verse 1)
In fields of green and forests tall,
Where life abounds, both big and small.
Plants reaching up to touch the sky,
Animals roam, beneath the canopy high.

Plants and animals, side by side,
In harmony, where nature’s pride.
From leaves that sway in gentle breeze,
To creatures roaming through the trees.

(Verse 2)
Beneath the soil, roots spread deep,
A hidden world, where secrets keep.
From flowers blooming bright and fair,
To wildlife prowling without a care.

Each leaf a canvas, each flower a song,
In every meadow and forest long.
From buzzing bees to birds in flight,
Nature’s symphony, a wondrous sight.

Plants and animals, hand in hand,
Across the earth, from sand to strand.
In rivers flowing and mountains grand,
Together they thrive, across the land.

So let’s protect this precious dance,
Where plants and animals find their chance.
To grow and flourish, forevermore,
In nature’s embrace, from shore to shore.