
Safety means keeping ourselves and others protected from harm. In this chapter, we will learn why it’s important to follow safety rules and how to stay safe in different situations—at home, on the road, when playing, and more.

Why Follow Safety Rules?

Safety rules help us stay out of danger and keep us healthy and happy. When we follow safety rules, we protect ourselves and others around us. It’s important to listen to grown-ups and follow their guidance to stay safe.

Be Safe When You Walk

When walking, always stay on the sidewalk or path. Look both ways before crossing the street and hold an adult’s hand. Use crosswalks and wait for the signal to cross safely.

Be Safe When You Cross the Road

Crossing the road safely is very important. Stop at the curb or edge of the road. Look left, right, and left again for cars or bikes. When it’s clear, cross quickly and walk—don’t run—across the street.

Be Safe When You Travel by Bus

When riding the bus, wait for it to stop completely before getting on or off. Hold onto the handrail when climbing stairs. Find a seat quickly and stay seated until the bus stops at your destination.

Be Safe When You Play

Playing is fun, but we need to be safe too. Follow the playground rules. Use equipment like swings and slides carefully. Look out for others and take turns so everyone can play safely.

Be Safe When You Are at Home

At home, avoid touching things that can harm you, like sharp objects or hot stoves. Always ask for help from a grown-up when needed. Keep toys and things tidy to avoid tripping and falling.

Be Safe When You Swim

Swimming can be lots of fun, but always swim with an adult nearby. Follow pool rules and never dive into shallow water. Wear a life jacket if you are learning to swim or if you are in a boat.


Safety first means taking care of ourselves and others. By learning and following safety rules—whether at home, on the road, or while playing—we can stay safe and enjoy life to the fullest. Let’s make safety a priority every day!

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to important safety rules and practices in various everyday situations. It emphasizes the importance of following guidelines to prevent accidents and promote a safe environment for children.


Fun Facts
– Did you know that wearing a helmet when riding a bike helps protect your head from injury?
– By following safety rules, we can prevent accidents and enjoy our time safely with friends and family.

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