Safety and first aid are very important! Safety means making sure we stay out of danger and avoid accidents. We can do this by listening to grown-ups, following rules, and being careful when playing or doing activities. If someone gets hurt, first aid helps them feel better until they can see a doctor. Simple things like putting a bandage on a cut or using ice for a bump can help. Remember, always ask a grown-up for help if someone is hurt, and never touch sharp objects or dangerous things. Being safe and knowing a little about first aid can help us stay healthy and happy!

The worksheet covers the following topics: –

First Aid
Safety First
For cuts and scratches
For nose bleeds
For sprains
For fractures
For burns- minor and severe burns
Chemical burns
For fire fighting
For animal bites
For snake bites
For poisoning


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This worksheet is designed to help the students to dig deeper into the topics and learn the root cause of the issue. It encourages the child to think logically, explore the answers.

Some simple home-based activities are shared to encourage the child to do-and-learn.