Force and energy are two important concepts in science. Force is a push or pull that can make objects move, stop, or change direction. For example, when we kick a ball or push a door, we apply force to make them move. Energy is what allows things to happen and is often associated with the ability to do work. When we use force to move objects, we transfer energy from one object to another. There are different types of energy, such as kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (stored energy). Understanding force and energy helps us explain how things move and interact in the world around us.

The worksheet covers the following topics: –

Types of force
Muscular force
Frictional Force
Gravitational Force
Elastic Force
Mechanical Force
Buoyant Force
Simple Machines
Inclined Planes
The pulley
The screw
Different forms of energy
Mechanical energy
Solar energy
Geothermal energy
Wind Energy
Hydro Power (Water energy)
Heat Energy
Light Energy
Sound energy
Electrical energy
Law of conservation of energy

These questions aim to assess students’ understanding of basic concepts related to force and its effects on objects. They encourage critical thinking and application of knowledge to real-world situations.