Food is like fuel for our bodies. When we eat, our body gets the energy it needs to do all sorts of things like run, play, and even think! But before our body can use the food we eat, it has to go through a special process called digestion. Digestion starts in our mouth, where we chew our food into smaller pieces. Then, it travels down a long tube called the digestive tract. Along the way, our stomach and other organs help break down the food into nutrients, which are like tiny building blocks that our body can use. These nutrients are then absorbed into our bloodstream and carried to different parts of our body, giving us the energy we need to grow, learn, and have fun!

The worksheet covers the following topics-

Nutrients in food
What nutrients do for us
A balanced diet
Digestion of food
The process of Digestion
Some tips for proper Digestion
Preparing food
Things to remember while cooking
Preserving food 

These questions encourage students to think critically about the processes involved in food digestion, the importance of nutrition, and the impact of dietary choices on overall health. They promote understanding of how the body processes food to extract energy and nutrients necessary for growth and development.