Introduction to Plants

Plants are living things that grow in many shapes and sizes. They need sunlight, air, water, and soil to live. Let’s learn more about plants and how they grow!

What are Plants?

Plants are living beings that make their own food using sunlight, a process called photosynthesis. They have roots, stems, and leaves. Plants come in different types and sizes. Some are small, like flowers, and some are very tall, like big trees.

Types of Plants

  1. Plants: These are small and may have flowers or just green leaves. They can grow in gardens and fields.
  2. Trees: Trees are big plants with strong trunks and many branches. They provide shade and homes for birds and animals.
  3. Climbers: Climbing plants like vines use other plants or fences to grow tall. They have curly stems that wrap around things.
  4. Big Trees with Branches: These are tall trees with thick trunks and branches that spread out wide. They have lots of leaves.
  5. Trees with Only Leave: Some trees have very few branches but lots of leaves. They are also tall and provide shade.

How do Plants Grow?

Plants grow in different ways and produce flowers, fruits, and seeds.

  1. Flowers: Many plants have beautiful flowers of different colors and shapes. Bees and butterflies visit flowers to collect nectar.
  2. Fruits: Some flowers turn into fruits after they are pollinated. Fruits can be juicy like apples or oranges and have seeds inside.
  3. Seeds: Seeds are tiny and come from flowers or fruits. When planted in soil and watered, seeds grow into new plants.

What Plants Need to Grow

Plants need certain things to grow healthy and strong:

– Sunlight: Plants use sunlight to make food and grow. They need to be in places where they can get sunlight every day.

  -Air: Plants breathe in carbon dioxide from the air. They give out oxygen, which helps us breathe.

– Water: Plants absorb water from the soil through their roots. Water helps plants stay hydrated and grow.


Plants are amazing living things that come in many shapes and sizes. They provide us with food, oxygen, and beautiful landscapes. By understanding how plants grow and what they need, we can appreciate and care for them better.

Learning about plants helps us understand the importance of nature and how we can protect our environment for plants and all living things.

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to the world of plants, covering their types, growth processes, and basic needs using simple language and engaging images. It aims to foster curiosity and appreciation for nature while building foundational knowledge about plants.