Animals exhibit an extraordinary ability to adapt to their surroundings, enabling them to thrive and survive in a wide range of environments. From the depths of dense jungles to the vast expanses of deserts, animals have evolved various physiological, behavioral, and morphological adaptations to cope with challenges such as scarcity of food and water, extreme temperatures, and predation. These adaptations include camouflage to blend in with their surroundings, specialized diets to utilize scarce resources efficiently, and mechanisms for storing water in arid conditions. Furthermore, many animals exhibit remarkable intelligence, social structures, and cooperation, allowing them to navigate complex ecosystems and overcome obstacles. By continuously evolving and adapting to changing conditions, animals not only survive but also contribute to the resilience and diversity of life on Earth.

The worksheet covers the following topics-
Adaptations to environment
Terrestrial Animals
Aquatic Animals
Aerial Animals
Arboreal animals
Adaptations for food
Adaptations for protection

These questions are designed to encourage Grade 4 students to think critically about terrestrial animals, their adaptations, behaviors, and roles within ecosystems. They cover a range of topics from basic classification to more complex ecological interactions.