I’m a little happy magician,
With my wand I work each spell.
You must see my magic happen,
It’s the best that I can tell!

I can change a flower to snowflakes,
I can make the sun go in,
I can turn the trees to toadstools,
Or the clouds to balls of tin!

I can wave my wand at people,
And they vanish out of sight.
I can wave it at a door-lock,
And it opens, very light!

I can turn the grass to silver,
Or the sea to yellow wine,
I can turn a frown to laughter,
Or a grumpy face to shine!

For I’m a little happy magician,
With my wand I work each spell.
You must see my magic happen,
It’s the best that I can tell!

This poem captures the whimsical and imaginative world of a happy magician, who delights in performing magical feats that bring joy and wonder to those around.