Friends are like stars that shine so bright,
Always there to make things right.
They listen to me when I’m feeling blue,
And play with me when the day is new.

We share our toys and books we read,
Laughing together, planting a seed
Of joy and happiness, every day,
In the games we play and the words we say.

When I fall down, they help me stand,
With a gentle touch and a helping hand.
We explore the world, hand in hand,
Through fields of flowers or on sandy sand.

At lunchtime, we sit side by side,
Sharing stories, our laughter wide.
In art class, we draw and create,
Making memories that are really great.

Friends are precious, like gold so bright,
In the morning sun or the starry night.
I’m grateful for my friends, you see,
Forever together, just you and me.