Number names are the words we use to write or say numbers in regular language. Just like people have names, numbers also have “word names.”
For example:
– 1 is written as “one”
– 2 is written as “two”
– 3 is written as “three”
– 12 is written as “twelve”
– 20 is written as “twenty”
These names are important because we use them in everyday life, like when we:
– Read prices (“twenty dollars”)
– Tell time (“three o’clock”)
– Count objects (“five apples”)
– Read addresses (“thirty-two Main Street”)
– Describe quantities (“seven days in a week”)
In English, the number names follow certain patterns:
- Single digits (1-9) have unique names (one, two, three, etc.)
- The “teens” (11-19) have special names (eleven, twelve, thirteen, etc.)
- Tens numbers (20, 30, 40, etc.) follow a pattern with “-ty” (twenty, thirty, forty)
- Compound numbers combine tens and ones with a hyphen (twenty-one, thirty-five)
Number names of 2 digit numbers-2
This worksheet requires the child to read the number names and write 2- digit numbers.
No. of sheets- 2