Look up at the night sky, and you’ll see a familiar sight: Earth’s natural satellite, the moon, shining brightly against the darkness. The moon has been a source of wonder and fascination for humans for centuries, inspiring myths, legends, and scientific exploration. It orbits around our planet, casting its silvery glow and influencing the tides of the oceans. But what exactly is the moon, and how does it affect life on Earth? Let’s embark on a journey to discover the mysteries and marvels of Earth’s closest cosmic companion, the moon.

The worksheet covers the following topics: –

Natural and man-made
Why does the moon shine?
The surface of the moon
Phases of the moon
There is no life on the moon
Landing on the moon
Eclipses on the moon and the sun
The moon and the tides
Artificial satellites
Uses of artificial satellites
Space travel

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