
We all have needs that help us live and stay healthy. In this chapter, we will explore three important things that everyone needs: food, clothes, and a house. Let’s learn why these things are important and how they help us every day.

We Need Food

Food is important because it gives us energy to play, learn, and grow. We eat different kinds of food like fruits, vegetables, and grains. They have vitamins and minerals that help our bodies stay strong and healthy.

Why We Need Clothes

Clothes keep us warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot. They protect our skin from the sun, wind, and rain. Clothes also help us look neat and feel comfortable throughout the day.

Why We Need a House

A house is a place where we live and feel safe. It protects us from bad weather and keeps us warm and dry. Inside a house, we have different rooms like a kitchen where we cook food, a bedroom where we sleep, and a bathroom where we wash.

What is a House?

A house is a building where families live together. It has walls, a roof, and doors and windows to let in light and air. Houses can be big or small, made of bricks, wood, or other materials.

Structure of a House

  1. Kitchen: The kitchen is where we cook and prepare food. It has a stove, refrigerator, and cabinets for storing dishes and food items.
  1. Bedroom: The bedroom is where we sleep and rest. It has a bed, pillows, blankets, and sometimes a closet for clothes.
  1. Bathroom: The bathroom is where we take baths, brush our teeth, and wash our hands. It has a sink, toilet, and bathtub or shower.

How We Maintain Our House

To keep our house clean and safe, we need to:

– Sweep and mop the floors regularly.

– Wash dishes and keep the kitchen tidy.

– Make our beds and keep our bedroom organized.

– Keep the bathroom clean by wiping surfaces and emptying the trash.


Understanding our needs for food, clothes, and a house helps us appreciate the things that make our lives comfortable and happy. By taking care of these needs, we can stay healthy and enjoy our time with family and friends in our homes.

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to their basic needs—food, clothes, and shelter—and explains why each is important in simple and easy-to-understand language. It covers the structure of a house and how we maintain it, encouraging students to appreciate and take responsibility for their living environment.

Did you know that some houses have gardens where people grow flowers and vegetables?
– Houses can have different styles and designs depending on where they are built and the materials used.

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