Seasons are different times of the year that bring changes in the weather. Each season has its own special features, activities, and feelings. In this chapter, we will learn about the four seasons, what we do in each season, and how each season feels.

What Are Seasons?

Seasons are parts of the year that bring different weather and changes in nature. There are four seasons in a year: Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), and Winter. Each season lasts for about three months and has its own unique weather and activities.

How Many Seasons?

There are four seasons:

  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn (Fall)
  4. Winter

Each season is different and brings new experiences and changes in nature.

What We Do in Each Season

  1. Spring

What It Feels Like: Spring is warm and fresh. Flowers start to bloom, and trees get new leaves. The weather is pleasant with mild temperatures.

What We Do:

   – Play Outside: We can play outside because the weather is nice and sunny.
   – Plant Flowers: It’s a great time to plant flowers and see them grow.
   – Enjoy Picnics: Families go on picnics in parks to enjoy the beautiful weather.

  1. Summer

What It Feels Like: Summer is hot and sunny. The days are long, and we have lots of sunshine.

What We Do:

   – Go to the Beach: We visit the beach to swim and build sandcastles.
   – We use fans and air conditioners
   – Eat Ice Cream: We enjoy ice cream and cold drinks to stay cool.
   – Clothes- Boys wear shorts and t-shirts. Girls wear frocks and skirts. We carry sun glasses.
   – Have Fun at Camps: Many kids go to summer camps or play outside more.

  3. Rainy Season (Monsoon)

What It Feels Like: During monsoon season it is cloudy and humid. People sweat a lot. It rains.  

What We Do:

   – Splash in the puddles: We dance in the rain and splash in the puddles.
   – Clothes: People use umbrellas and raincoats to protect ourselves from getting wet.
   – Eat warm food- People love to eat warm food.

  1. Winter

What It Feels Like: Winter is cold and sometimes snowy. The days are shorter, and the weather can be chilly.

What We Do:

   – Build Snowmen: If there is snow, we build snowmen and have snowball fights.
   – Drink hot drinks: We enjoy warm drinks like hot cocoa, soups, warm milk to stay warm.
   – Vegetables- We eat lot of green leafy vegetables, like spinach, fenugreek leaves.
   – Clothes- We wear warm clothes like sweaters, jackets, woollen caps and mittens.
   – Celebrate Holidays: Many holidays like Christmas and New Year are celebrated in winter.


Each season brings its own special weather, activities, and feelings. By understanding the seasons and what happens during each one, we can enjoy all the fun things they bring. Whether it’s playing in the snow, collecting colorful leaves, or having a summer picnic, each season is a chance to experience something new and exciting!

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to the concept of seasons with simple explanations, engaging visuals, and practical examples. It helps young learners understand the characteristics of each season and encourages them to appreciate the changes in nature throughout the year.


Fun Facts
Did you know that some animals, like bears, sleep during winter? This is called hibernation.
In some countries, the seasons are different. For example, in Australia, summer is from December to February.

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