Earth, our home planet, occupies a special place in the vastness of the solar system. Situated in the habitable zone around the Sun, Earth is the third planet from our star, with an ideal distance that allows for the existence of liquid water—a crucial ingredient for life as we know it. Our planet boasts a diverse array of environments, from icy polar regions to lush tropical rainforests, making it uniquely suited to support a rich variety of life forms. Earth’s atmosphere, composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, provides the air we breathe and helps regulate the planet’s climate and temperature. As part of the solar system, Earth orbits the Sun along with seven other planets, each with its own distinct characteristics and orbit. Together, these celestial bodies, along with countless asteroids, comets, and other objects, form a dynamic and interconnected system that has fascinated scientists and astronomers for centuries.

The worksheet covers the following topics-

Full moon
Celestial bodies
Pole Star
The Solar System
The Sun
The Earth
The Moon