In a village quaint and oh-so small,
Lived Clumsy Clyde, who had a ball.
With shoes untied and pants too tight,
He stumbled left and stumbled right.

He tried to bake a birthday cake,
But added salt instead of cake.
The icing flew, the oven smoked,
Poor Clyde just sighed and then he joked.

He took up painting, what a sight,
Used his brush to give walls a fright.
With colors mixed in wild array,
The room turned out quite avant-garde, they say.

He once tried fishing in a puddle,
Caught his boot instead, oh what a muddle!
With a tug and a pull, he fell in with a splash,
And the fish all laughed as they swam past.

But Clyde, he never lost his cheer,
Even when things didn’t quite adhere.
For life’s a joke, a grand charade,
With Clyde around, we’re never dismayed.

So if you see him tripping by,
With a grin so wide, reaching the sky,
Join his dance, laugh along,
In Clyde’s world, everything’s a song.

For in this world where things go awry,
Clumsy Clyde teaches us how to fly.
With humor and grace, he steals the show,
The hero of mishaps, the star of the show!