In a town where laughter ruled supreme,
Lived Silly Billy, the master of dream.
With shoes on ears and socks on nose,
He’d dance in circles, striking silly poses.

At breakfast, he’d juggle pancakes high,
And chase his cat with a pumpkin pie.
His laughter echoed, a contagious sound,
Even the grumpiest neighbor would come around.

He once tried flying with cardboard wings,
And landed headfirst in a bucket of springs.
But silly Billy just laughed and grinned,
His spirit unbroken, his resolve pinned.

He built a castle out of mashed potatoes,
And rode a mop like a mighty desperado.
With a spoon for a sword and a colander hat,
He battled imaginary dragons, imagine that!

His antics were wild, his pranks were grand,
He turned every mishap into a jest unplanned.
For Silly Billy lived life without a care,
Spreading joy and laughter everywhere.

So if you’re feeling blue and need a lift,
Just think of Silly Billy and his daft gift.
For in this world where seriousness may reign,
A touch of silliness can soothe the pain.