Look up in the sky! There’s so much to see and learn about above us. In this chapter, we’ll explore some amazing things we can find in the sky, like the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. We’ll also learn about day and night and the different shapes of the Moon.

The Sun

What is the Sun? 

The Sun is a big, bright star in the sky. It gives us light and heat, making our days bright and warm. Without the Sun, there would be no daytime, and it would be very cold!

What the Sun Does:

– Gives Light: The Sun helps us see everything during the day.

– Keeps Us Warm: It makes the weather warm so we can go outside and play.

– Helps Plants Grow: Plants need sunlight to make their food and grow big and strong.

The Day and Night


– What It Feels Like: During the day, the Sun is up, and we can see everything around us. It’s bright, and we can go outside to play or go to school.

– Activities: We go to school, play outside, and do many fun activities.


– What It Feels Like: At night, the Sun goes down, and it gets dark. We see the Moon and stars in the sky.

– Activities: We go to sleep, read bedtime stories, and get ready for a new day.

The Moon

What is the Moon? 

The Moon is a big rock that orbits around Earth. It shines in the night sky because it reflects the light from the Sun. The Moon does not make its own light but looks bright because of the Sun’s light.

What the Moon Does:

– Brightens the Night: The Moon lights up the night sky so we can see a little even when it’s dark.

– Tides: The Moon helps create ocean tides. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels.

The Many Shapes of the Moon

The Moon doesn’t always look the same. It changes shape in the sky over the month. Here are the main shapes:

  1. Full Moon: When the Moon is round and bright, we see a Full Moon. It looks like a big, glowing circle.  
  1. New Moon: During a New Moon, the Moon is not visible from Earth. It is between the Earth and the Sun, so the sunlight doesn’t reach it.
  1. Half Moon: Sometimes, we see a Half Moon. This happens when we see only half of the Moon’s surface lit up.
  2. Crescent Moon: The Crescent Moon looks like a thin slice or a small curve. It’s a part of the Moon that is lit up and looks like a banana.

The Stars

What Are Stars? 

Stars are big, bright balls of gas that shine in the sky. They are very far away from us, which is why they look tiny. There are many stars in the night sky, and they come in different colors.

What Stars Do:

– Twinkle: Stars seem to twinkle because they are so far away, and the light changes as it travels through the air.

– Constellations: Some stars form patterns called constellations. These are like shapes or pictures made from stars.


The sky is full of amazing things like the Sun, the Moon, and stars. Each one plays a special role in our world. By learning about these sky objects, we can enjoy and appreciate the beautiful and magical things happening above us every day and night!

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to the basic concepts of the Sun, Moon, and stars with simple explanations and engaging visuals. It helps young learners understand the changes in the sky and the importance of these celestial objects in a fun and educational way.


Fun Facts
– Did you know that the Sun is a star too? It is the closest star to Earth.
– The Moon has different phases because of how sunlight shines on it from different angles.

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