Water is very important for all living things. In this chapter, we will learn why we need water, who needs it, and how it helps us every day.

Why and Who Needs Water?

Water is essential for everyone—people, animals, and plants.

  1. People: We need water to stay healthy. It helps our bodies stay strong, keeps us hydrated, and helps us feel good.
  2. Animals: Animals need water too. Dogs, cats, birds, and all other animals drink water to stay alive and healthy.
  3. Plants: Plants need water to grow. Water helps them stay healthy and strong, and it helps them make food through a process called photosynthesis.

Uses of Water

Water has many uses in our daily lives:

  1. Drinking: We drink water to stay hydrated and healthy. It helps our bodies work properly and keeps us from getting thirsty.
  2. Cooking: We use water to cook food, like boiling pasta or making soup.
  3. Cleaning: Water is used to wash our hands, clean dishes, and keep our homes tidy.
  4. Bathing: We take baths or showers with water to keep our bodies clean and fresh.
  5. Watering Plants: We water plants in gardens and pots to help them grow and stay healthy.

Importance of Water

Water is very important for several reasons:

  1. Keeps Us Healthy: Drinking enough water helps our bodies stay healthy. It helps our organs, muscles, and joints work well.
  1. Supports Life: Without water, plants, animals, and people cannot survive. It is essential for all living things.
  1. Regulates Temperature: Water helps keep our bodies cool by sweating and breathing.
  1. Helps Digestion: Water helps in digesting food and keeping our tummies happy.

Clean Drinking Water

It is very important to drink clean water. Clean water means it is free from dirt, germs, and chemicals. We should always drink water that is safe and clean to avoid getting sick.

  1. Boiling: Boiling water helps kill germs and makes it safe to drink.
  1. Filtering: Using a water filter helps remove impurities and makes water clean.
  1. Bottled Water: Sometimes, we buy bottled water that is already clean and safe to drink.


Water is a precious and essential part of our lives. It helps us stay healthy, supports all living things, and makes our daily activities possible. By understanding the importance of water and how to use it wisely, we can ensure that we always have this precious resource to enjoy and take care of.

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to the concept of water, its importance, and its various uses. It provides simple explanations and engages young learners with visuals and practical examples, helping them understand why water is vital for life.


Fun Facts
– Did you know that our bodies are about 60% water?
– Water is not just for drinking; it helps make ice for cool treats and steam for cooking!

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