Weather is what happens outside every day. It changes all the time and affects how we dress and what we do. In this chapter, we will learn about different types of weather, how they feel, and what we can do on each type of day.

What is Weather?

Weather is the condition of the air around us. It tells us if it’s hot, cold, rainy, or windy. Weather can change from day to day and even hour to hour.

How Many Types of Weather?

There are four main types of weather that we talk about:

  1. Hot Day
  2. Cold Day
  3. Rainy Day
  4. Windy Day

Let’s learn more about each type of weather!

Hot Day

What It Feels Like: On a hot day, the sun shines brightly, and it feels warm or even hot outside. You might feel like sweating because it’s so warm.

What We Do:

– Wear Light Clothes: We wear shorts and t-shirts to stay cool.

– Drink Cold Drinks: We drink water or juice to stay hydrated.

– Play in the Shade: We find a shady spot or play inside to avoid too much heat.

Cold Day

What It Feels Like: On a cold day, the air feels chilly, and you might need to wear a warm coat. It can be cold enough to see your breath in the air.

What We Do:

– Wear Warm Clothes: We wear jackets, hats, and gloves to stay warm.

– Drink Hot Cocoa**: We enjoy hot drinks like cocoa to feel cozy.

– Play Inside: Sometimes, we play indoor games or read books to stay warm.

Rainy Day

What It Feels Like: On a rainy day, it rains a lot, and the sky is often cloudy. You might hear the sound of raindrops falling.

What We Do:

– Use an Umbrella We use umbrellas to stay dry when we go outside.

– Wear a Raincoat: We wear raincoats and boots to keep dry and warm.

– Enjoy Indoor Activities: We can play board games, draw, or watch movies inside.

Windy Day

What It Feels Like: On a windy day, the air blows strongly, and you can feel the wind pushing against you. It might move trees and make things sway.

What We Do:

– Fly Kites: We can fly kites because the wind helps them soar high.

– Wear a Jacket: We wear jackets to protect ourselves from the strong wind.

– Play Safe: We make sure to be careful outside because strong wind can blow things around.


Weather is a part of our daily lives and affects what we wear and what we do. By understanding different types of weather, we can be prepared for each day and enjoy every kind of weather. Whether it’s a hot, cold, rainy, or windy day, there are always fun activities to do and ways to stay comfortable!

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to the concept of weather with clear explanations and engaging examples. It helps young learners understand the different types of weather and how they affect daily life, encouraging them to appreciate and adapt to various weather conditions.


Fun Facts
– Did you know that weather can be different in different parts of the world? For example, it might be sunny and hot in one place while it’s rainy and cool in another.
– The weather can change quickly. Sometimes it can be sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon!

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