
Food from plants is essential for our health and gives us energy to play and learn. In this chapter, we will explore different types of food that come from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, and cereals.


Fruits are delicious and come in many colors and flavors. They grow on trees, bushes, or vines. Some fruits are juicy like oranges and apples, while others are sweet like strawberries and bananas. Eating fruits helps us stay healthy because they have vitamins and natural sugars that give us energy.


Vegetables are plants we eat that can be roots, stems, leaves, or flowers. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some vegetables we eat are carrots, potatoes, spinach, and tomatoes. Eating vegetables is important because they have vitamins and minerals that keep us strong and help our bodies grow.


Pulses are tiny seeds that grow in pods on plants. They include beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas. Pulses are a good source of protein, which helps our muscles grow and keeps us strong. We can eat pulses in soups, salads, and curries.


Cereals are plants that we grow for their seeds. We use these seeds to make foods like rice, wheat, oats, and corn. Cereals give us energy because they have carbohydrates that our bodies need. We can eat cereals as bread, pasta, porridge, or chapatis.

Growing and Harvesting

Plants that give us food need sunlight, water, and healthy soil to grow. Farmers plant seeds in fields and take care of them until they are ready to harvest. When fruits, vegetables, pulses, or cereals are ripe, they are picked and taken to markets where we can buy them to eat.

Eating Healthy

It’s important to eat a variety of foods from plants every day to stay healthy. Fruits, vegetables, pulses, and cereals give us different nutrients that our bodies need. Eating colorful foods helps us get all the vitamins and minerals to grow strong and feel good.


Plants give us many delicious and nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, pulses, and cereals. By eating these foods every day, we can stay healthy and grow strong. Remember to thank farmers who grow our food and to eat a rainbow of colors from plants to keep our bodies happy!

This chapter introduces grade 1 students to the variety of foods that come from plants, emphasizing their nutritional benefits and the importance of a balanced diet. It uses simple language and engaging visuals to educate children about different types of plant-based foods they encounter daily.

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Fun Facts
– Did you know that tomatoes are actually fruits, but we use them like vegetables in cooking?
– Some cereals like rice and wheat are grown in fields called paddies and fields.
– Peas and beans are types of pulses that can be eaten fresh or dried.